About Me!

So you're actually interested in your humble author. I find that hard to believe, but who am I to argue.

I was born in 1977, near the town of Dillsburg, Pennsylvania. For the three of you reading this who know where that is, skip down aways because I'm going to tell everyone. The little town of Dillsburg is located between Harrisburg (the capital of PA) and Gettysburg (the place were that Civil War battle thingy happened). It is approximately 8 miles Northeast of the middle of nowhere. I know this for a fact, because coincidently I happen to live 8 miles Southwest of Dillsburg. When I was growing up, my little house was surrounded on all sides by big fields of corn, now however, it is surrounded by big houses.

Currently I do freelance hardware and software troubleshooting for the area surrounding my little town of Dillsburg. I also run a number of sites:

If you happen to be interested in my Resume, take a look, it's available through this resume link.

My Favorite LinksLook at my Resumé